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The orphanage lives largely through
donations collected in France by
AAVO (association, law 1901).
This money allows the children to
have accommodation, food, and
schooling, care and a family.

If you wish you can contribute to the
life of these children in two ways :
a) sponsoring from which you
promise :
- to make a regular donation (minimum an amount from 30 per mouth or 360 per
year of which 66% is taxe deductible).
- to establish and maintain a relationship with future godchild : mail, photo (and
if possible a trip to Pondichery to get to know them) Contrary to adoption,
sponsoring lets a child live in his awn country and among his people.
b) ponctual donations which at Christmas for example would allow the children
from a poor family to have something extra.
Whatever your donation may be, we will send you news from the orphanage and
you will receive notice to attend the AGM where you will have all the
information about the association and its management.

Finally at the beginning of the year, you will recieve a tax receipt for your
subscription for the past year, which will let you have a tax deduction.